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Minotaur in a Maze

Recently, I had the opportunity to explore the Roman ruins of Conimbriga near Coimbra, Portugal. This ancient city thrived for over 500 years and once housed more than 10,000 residents at its peak. One of its standout features is the stunning mosaic tile work that’s been uncovered, including one piece that depicts the Minotaur in his infamous maze.

As I marveled at the intricate tiles, I found my mind wandering back to my lessons in Greek mythology. I recalled the myth about the Minotaur—a creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull, trapped in a labyrinth designed by King Minos of Crete. This myth is a classic tale filled with themes of disobedience to the gods, lust, greed, and power. However, for this blog post, I want to focus on a more personal theme that the Minotaur represents: the feeling of being trapped.

At times, I find myself feeling stuck or confined by circumstances beyond my control. I bet you've experienced that sensation too—whether it's a demanding job, an unfulfilling relationship, or conflicting friendships, many people experience feelings of confinement where they can’t see a way out. Moments like these can leave us feeling immobilized.

One of the best descriptions I’ve heard that articulates this feeling is the song "Trapped" by Jimmy Cliff. Although it speaks specifically about being trapped in a relationship, the sentiment could apply to anyone caught in difficult circumstances. Here’s my favorite part of the song:

"Well it seems like I'm caught up in your trap again

And it seems like I'll be wearin' the same ol' chains

Good will conquer evil and the truth will set you free

Then I know someday I'll find the key

Well it seems like I've been playin' the game way too long

And it seems the game I played has made you strong

Well when the game is over, I won't walk out a loser

And I know that I'll walk out of here again

And I know that someday I'll walk out of here again.

But now I'm trapped, oh yeah!

Trapped, oh yeah yeah!"

If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and listen to Bruce Springsteen’s live version of Trapped. It's absolute gold!

Feeling trapped can lead to a sense of helplessness, increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. I have a friend who endured a job she did not like, and it eventually took a toll on her health.

If you’re currently feeling trapped in any aspect of your life, here are some actionable steps that may help you regain a sense of control:

  • Identify the problem – Take a moment to clarify what specifically is making you feel trapped. Understanding the issue is the first step towards addressing it.

  • Explore your options – Consider what aspects of the situation you can change, or if you can only alter certain aspects.

  • Make a plan – Set some specific attainable goals to help you move toward a solution. Outline the steps you can take to change your circumstances.  

  • Seek support: Reach out to friends or family for advice, support, or a fresh perspective on your situation.

  • Stay persistent – Change often takes time, and the journey can be challenging. Stay focused and be resilient; don’t give up when the going gets tough.

  • Know when to let go – Sometimes, the most empowering decision is to walk away from a toxic relationship or situation. Recognizing when to let go is crucial for your well-being.

Unlike the Minotaur, who is forever lost in an inescapable maze, you have options. I firmly believe that life doesn't hand us challenges we can't handle. You can break free from what’s holding you back. You got this!




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